Understanding the type of grass you have
When you focus on providing your lawn with what it needs, it is important to know what kind of grass you have because each grass type has unique needs. In Alpharetta, most yards are adorned with warm-season grasses, with Bermuda grass being the most popular.
Warm-season grasses are great in Georgia because they are resistant to hot days and drought conditions. But these grasses grow dormant in winter, which means that they start to turn a little brown during the colder months. Dormancy is a natural defense against lower temperatures and a natural response, but it isn’t preferable for those of us who want lush, green lawns year-round.
Cool-season lawns, like Tall Fescue—a popular choice in Alpharetta—thrive in cooler temperatures. In Georgia, on hot or dry summer days, cool-season grasses struggle, but they do well when winter comes, often remaining green. This makes them preferable for those who want to enjoy their lawn’s lush, green coloration longer. If you’re one of these folks, prepare yourself for extra watering and care during the summer months.
The two kinds of grasses have different growth cycles. Consider this when developing your lawn care strategy.
Lawn care tips for Alpharetta
Let’s break down some of the ways you can give your lawn what it needs. These winter lawn care tips are geared toward warm-season grasses because these types are far more common, but there is a lot of application here, even if you have cool-season grass in your yard.
- Every lawn needs fertilizer, and it is critical to apply it before the first frost.
- All fertilizers aren’t the same. It is important to pick the right composition of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus for your grass type and soil. Plus, your lawn needs higher levels of potassium as you enter into winter.
- The length of your grass is important. We suggest slowly lowering your mowing height through the fall to deter pests, mold, and diseases and prevent matting or debris accumulation.
- Overwatering can lead to rotting grass roots, so reduce the amount of water you give your lawn as temperatures cool and water your grass in the morning to allow it to dry before nightfall.
- Winter is an important time to apply pre-emergent weed control products to prevent spring weeds from germinating.
- Rake leaves before winter, or consider turning your leaves into compost. If you leave the right amount of leaf debris, it acts as an efficient organic fertilizer. But don’t leave too much of a good thing. Too much leaf debris can block sunlight and trap moisture.
- Guard against winter foot traffic. A dormant lawn is sensitive to heavy foot traffic, and walking over frozen grass can damage it, resulting in bare patches. Foot traffic can also result in soil compaction, making it difficult for air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass. Consider making walkways.
- Get ready for spring by testing your soil’s pH level to find out what it needs.
- Plan ahead. Winter is a good time to plan spring tasks, such as weeding, dethatching, and overseeding.
As you consider these steps, remember that you’re not alone. Your got lawn? team knows exactly what your grass and soil need.
How the got lawn? team can help
The got lawn? experts serve Alpharetta and Metro Atlanta with simple and effective, year-round lawn care. Here are some of the services you can expect from us:
- Multiple lawn care treatments throughout the year
- Soil testing and a pH check
- Targeted fertilization for your specific grass and soil
- Liquid aeration, if needed
We analyze your lawn and ensure it receives the care it needs at the beginning and end of every season: spring, summer, fall, and winter.
Do you have questions about your lawn or lawn care services? We’d love the opportunity to help you find answers. Connect with got lawn? Tree & Turf Care today. We have the experience and professionalism to help you achieve and maintain a healthy lawn!